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2025 Kawasaki Nav


Staff member
Nov 29, 2023
Anyone else get the email from Kawasaki teasing the Kawasaki Nav?

What's everyone's thoughts on what the Kawasaki Nav might be?

I did as well. I'm not sure what it's going to be. My initial thought was a little electric motorcycle, but that doesn't seem like a new idea.
I hope it's not a little bike, it's just too close to the Honda Navi name. You think Kawasaki would be a little more original then that!!

I wouldn't put it past them! If you look at all their motorcycles, they have similar options to Honda.
Just release this thing already! It looks like it will be a small electric mobility cart?
I can see this being popular in retirement communities and on the golf course if it's just a pimped out golf cart.
I hope this thing takes the little golf cart world by storm!
Well, as far as golf carts go it is good looking. Wonder what the price will be.
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