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2024 Ridge XR 7 month review


New member
Dec 24, 2024
7 Month 2024 Ridge XR Review

The Bad to start:

The Cab

The Doors are made of a low quality way to flexible plastic, which shrinks in the cold conditions causing a gap in between the upper and lower panel.
-There is also multiple warping in the plastic which does not look very high quality which they should be.
(Kawasaki has warrantied both upper and lower panels so we will see if they are any better in due time)
-The doors do not seal as good as I had hoped having visible lines of light from the inside out especially at the front. Leaving dust and cold air to circulate throughout the cab.
(I have added some additional weather seal measures which seem to have remedied the problem so far)
-The dash has two terrible air leaks in both front corners again letting dust and cold air into the cab
(I have added block of plates and seals to hopefully fix the issue.
-Seats are a little bit high and when you have short legs they tend to get tired on long rides.
(I added 1 inch of rubber pad to my floor which seems to make it more comfortable for my ride and passenger ride style and I am 5'9)

The Chassis

-There seems to be rust accumulating on the axles and the spindle surfaces. These were painted then machined afterwards from the factory. Face slap.
(I have cleaned and painted those surfaces and it seems to have fixed the issue so far)
-The rear control arms are so prone to getting blasted that the paint starts to chip away. Exposing the metal to the elements.
(Kawasaki sells rear control arm guards and I highly suggest purchasing them like I did)

The Drivetrain

-There is a noise that comes from the rear passenger side of the engine which sounds like a power steering whine. There is a cooling cage in there, that blows onto the electronics to keep temps good.
(If you hear this noise remove the cover there is a leaf or some sand and or ice inside)
-When you are in the snow or mud the unit moves like a sloth backwards. This is due to a reverse limiter (Most units have an over ride switch but Ridge does not)
(I have ordered a tune to remove this pain in my ass function)
-When in deep snow and or mud there is an audible chirp followed by the CVT light flashing
(I have cleaned the clutches and adjusted the belt. Will see how that helps.
-The fuel cap is under a lot of pressure sending it flying across the fuel station.
(I have replaced the vent with a roll over prevention vent mod In the rear drivers pillar)

The Good

-There is a lot of room in the cabin (which is awesome)
-The unit rides smooth is very comfortable especially on rougher terrains.
-It has excellent clearance. Is an absolute fun time to drive.
-It is nice that someone built a machine with enough room to accommodate bigger tires unlike Polaris or Can-am who does not.
- I have added almost every accessory that is available, all of them are incredible and I look forward to adding more as time comes.

Kawasaki Needs to add:
-Door locks
-Auxiliary switches
_More bus bars for power so accessories are easier to add
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This is an excellent real-world review! Thank you for sharing all of these details. Hopefully, Kawasaki is watching this forum and can fix some of these issues on future models.
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