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Electrical issue


New member
Oct 14, 2024
Just wondering if anyone has had any electrical issues? Started my XR at camp all ok but my back up light, by light bar ,my stereo, and winch wouldn't work. The illumination lights on the switches were very dim. When I touched the winch switch the illumination lights went out. A minute later everything worked again. All of these accessories all are working off the acc. In other words they do not work unless the key is on. I did go around and make sure all connections were tight, including the ground.Hasn't happened again and seems fine now but things just don't fix themselves any thoughts.
Could have just been a loose connection. Usually when accessories are dim there is a ground out issue or positive terminal that isn't getting full contact.
Thanks did tighten all but will double check again make sure I didn't miss any
Mine was the relay at the battery only did it when real cold out Hasn't done it since I keep it in heated garage. When cold the relay wasn't closing and no power coming out of the switch to power the accessories.
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