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Thinking about A Ridge HVAC


New member
Aug 25, 2024
My mule pro dxt had an internal failure and self destructed. No more Diesel utv. So think about the Ridge. It will mainly be used for work around my property. Those that have them tell me your thoughts. How are they holding up? I have to do something soon. New member here first post.
Does anyone own a Ridge? Very few members and I don’t FB so maybe more there.
Does anyone own a Ridge? Very few members and I don’t FB so maybe more there.
Yes we have had it for about 2 weeks! So far we are impressed, it runs great, ride is great for us older people. The overall quality is superb . We ended up extending the 3 year warranty to 7 years at a reasonable cost. It’s been a short time but we are happy with the purchase.
My experience with gasoline Mules is that they are pretty much bulletproof. My father-in-law has had one on his ranch for over 12 years, and it's been extremely reliable. I think the Ridge will be just as reliable and much more comfortable.
I will say this. I almost bought the Ridge Ranch but after the test drive the check engine light came on. Had a bad temp sensor. They tried to get me to buy it but after sitting for 30 min the new temp sensor jumped to 240 degrees so I told them I was out. Figured that one was close to a head issue. Basically Kawasaki shipped it in with a giant air bubble so no water circulated. I cancelled the contract and the dealer did the right thing. I got the Ridge HVAC for very little money difference.
I think you will be really glad you went with the HVAC machine in the long run.
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